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The importance of Having dreams and Goals.
Written by Wallis Pattisonn 1st Sep 2021
I have always disliked the term Bucket List as it sounds too desperate, a bit like I didn't do anything with my life now I have to push it all into a small space of time, hoping I am well enough to make it happen. Just my opinion. What I do like though is having Dreams and Goals.
I look back and see myself as a kid who was always looking forward to what I could achieve, where I wanted to go and How I was going to get there. The wonderful thing about getting older is it allows us the luxury of looking at our lives and seeing clearly what we do and don't like. I think I decided early on to be an entrepreneur, I say think because I can't say it was a conscious decision so much as I was drawn to being creative and innovative and those days it was all about having some money in my pocket.
As a youngster I reared and sold guinea pigs, reared pigeons, sold any saleable metal I could get my hands on and any other ideas that I could come up with. These early years set the stage for what would become a lifelong passion for business start-ups and creative input. Yes it has had its ups and downs, its feast and famine times, but the thrill of it all, the learning and the tenaciousness that I seem to have come with has kept me going and trying new things. The constant in all of this hs been my personal Goals and dreams, I have never lost having goals and dreams even when they seemed a long way off and unattainable to some around me, they were always possible for me.
DREAM BIG...remember the saying, "Life would have given me more had I only asked"

About The Author

Wallis Pattisonn is the founder of Bold Not Old an Age Positive Movement and “Start-up Business for Women 50 Plus, Purpose, Passion + a Paycheck.. Wallis is dedicated to changing our current perceptions around ageing and why the Encore years are the largest talent pool in history. Millions of Seniors worldwide want to start a business for themselves. Since 2008 entrepreneurial activity among 55-64 year old’s has increased by over 50%
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Why I have chosen to stop being in a hobby business. 
Written by Wallis Pattisonn 4th Sep 2021
I have to tell you it has taken some time and a good deal of re-learning and re-invention to get this far. as we get older it is easy to slip into a comfortable familiar space and stay there. It wasn't quite that way for me, I was not in a comfort zone, but I was struggling with the possibility of having a fully fledged business and not so much a hobby. I am not so good at just playing it small I have to have a bigger dream, a bigger picture to grow into.

Sometimes in life opportunity comes knocking from the strangest direction, mine was brought about by the Great Interruptor as I call it. When we were all forced to be in lockdown I realised I had a potential business that relied upon face to face contact, it was very much a business that was social and reliant upon my get togethers as I called them. I had also not long released my book Being Bold Not Old and had great plans for travel and Soire's around meeting and chatting about Bold Not Old. Change was about to take place...BIG TIME.

In the ensuing months I had some stops and starts as ideas were put into place and tried out. I was limited by my knowledge of the internet and the how too's of taking this into a new world that I did not totally understand, or perhaps even want to.Again sometimes in life opportunity arises out of some difficulty or unexpected challenge, this was true of me . Bold Not Old has finally morphed into a butterfly as I call it, it has grown wings and is ready to be its magnificent self. Not to diminish my own personal growth in this and steep learning curves as I grew my own wings and prepared myself for my own emergence. I feel like I am standing on the precipice of the something BIG and BOLD and I am ready to jump off and grow wings...

What have you made of your challenges lately? 

About The Author

Wallis Pattisonn is the founder of Bold Not Old an Age Positive Movement and “Start-up Business for Women 50 Plus, Purpose, Passion + a Paycheck.. Wallis is dedicated to changing our current perceptions around ageing and why the Encore years are the largest talent pool in history. Millions of Seniors worldwide want to start a business for themselves. Since 2008 entrepreneurial activity among 55-64 year old’s has increased by over 50%
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Discover How to make a difference and earn a 6 figure paycheck.
Written by Wallis Pattisonn 7th Sep 2021
Have you been shying away from most things online (except shopping of course) then this will hopefully change your mind about what is possible and available in the world of the internet. I can't tell you what these last months have been like, well I could but it would be boring and laborious. The good thing though is my steep learning curve and studies has given me some amazing added skills and equipped me to share resources and I did not have a few months ago.

When I realised I wanted and could make a difference to those wanting a bigger life and a profitable business for themselves I was nervous to say the least. Yes I had more than a hint of Imposter Syndrome, why would anyone listen to me, what did I have to offer and didn't everyone already know this tuff I was going to share! Then of course there was the age thing, why now. why begin this now? The answer is simple, well actually in two parts. One because I can and two because what I hav etc offer is valuable and helpful, well more than helpful actually.

Okay down to some nitty gritty before I finish writing this blog, what sort of things can those enrolling in the course get from this. I can't list it all, but how about 
1. learning to launch a successful online business without having an email list or a social media following.
2. No tech needed, you don't need a website to be successful.
3. How to plot your success, not hit and miss
learning what actually works, viable successful step to creating an online course
4 Customers, who are they and where do you get them/

The list goes on, but suffice to say this course will change your life. Of course there is the matter of you following the steps, participating in what needs to be done and being committed to your own success. you know the old saying you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink. if you want to know more about this, head on over to for more info and registration in the upcoming course in October.

About The Author

Wallis Pattisonn is the founder of Bold Not Old an Age Positive Movement and “Start-up Business for Women 50 Plus, Purpose, Passion + a Paycheck.. Wallis is dedicated to changing our current perceptions around ageing and why the Encore years are the largest talent pool in history. Millions of Seniors worldwide want to start a business for themselves. Since 2008 entrepreneurial activity among 55-64 year old’s has increased by over 50%
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We do have a gift to give, what is it, and how do we find it?
Written by Wallis Pattisonn 9th Sep 2021
In the reinventing of Bold Not Old, I had to dig deep, I had to discover what it is that I excel at, the one thing of real value I could share with others and be paid for. Not easy when you can pretty much turn your hand to anything, not to sound egotistic, but the truth is I can do a number of things so finding the one special things was not so easy for me. I wrote a lot, contemplated a lot and got scared a lot, but I finally saw what was pretty obvious when I looked closely at my life and my interests as well as the things I liked to chat about, all roads led to business start-ups.

I have called this your fingerprint is your blueprint because it is like having it all in your DNA. One of things we do in the course is create a brag bank, a list of all the things you have done, achieved been part of , set up or written about, it is from there that you can begin to see your unique you. Your experience equals your authority, you are your own success story. There are many accomplishments that you have and it's important to list them. When your own unique narrative is uncovered, you will instantly differentiate yourself from any other person in the market place.

You can become a pro at cashing in on your passion, your uniqueness. Remember you are not wanting to solve everything for everyone, just your particular customers, the ones who will benefit from your unique input. An example of this might be some mess occurred in your life which you solved, your mess can become your message. You might have been ill with something that you personally managed to overcome or manage through actions or steps you took, this is your passport to freedom, someone wants what you know.

Okay I hope I have sowed some seeds here about why your own unique you is valuable and powerful. Don't forget people will pay however much you think you are worth...No need for a fancy framework, you are all you need, a few simple steps and guidance will make it all real for you...
Do you know how valuable you are?

About The Author

Wallis Pattisonn is the founder of Bold Not Old an Age Positive Movement and “Start-up Business for Women 50 Plus, Purpose, Passion + a Paycheck.. Wallis is dedicated to changing our current perceptions around ageing and why the Encore years are the largest talent pool in history. Millions of Seniors worldwide want to start a business for themselves. Since 2008 entrepreneurial activity among 55-64 year old’s has increased by over 50%
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Blog Headline here
Written by Wallis Pattisonn DATE 2021
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt, recusandae.

About The Author

Wallis Pattisonn is the founder of Bold Not Old an Age Positive Movement and “Start-up Business for Women 50 Plus, Purpose, Passion + a Paycheck.. Wallis is dedicated to changing our current perceptions around ageing and why the Encore years are the largest talent pool in history. Millions of Seniors worldwide want to start a business for themselves. Since 2008 entrepreneurial activity among 55-64 year old’s has increased by over 50%
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Blog Headline here
Written by Wallis Pattisonn DATE 2021
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt, recusandae.

About The Author

Wallis Pattisonn is the founder of Bold Not Old an Age Positive Movement and “Start-up Business for Women 50 Plus, Purpose, Passion + a Paycheck.. Wallis is dedicated to changing our current perceptions around ageing and why the Encore years are the largest talent pool in history. Millions of Seniors worldwide want to start a business for themselves. Since 2008 entrepreneurial activity among 55-64 year old’s has increased by over 50%
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Written by John Smith on Oct. 17th 2019
Quisque suscipit mauris vel augue rutrum lacinia. Ut malesuada est nec fringilla accumsan. Donec tristique, enim nec egestas interdum, arcu lorem pulvinar lorem, gravida convallis urna velit in enim...
Written by John Smith on Oct. 12th 2019
Quisque suscipit mauris vel augue rutrum lacinia. Ut malesuada est nec fringilla accumsan. Donec tristique, enim nec egestas interdum, arcu lorem pulvinar lorem, gravida convallis urna velit in enim...
Written by John Smith on Oct. 6th 2019
Quisque suscipit mauris vel augue rutrum lacinia. Ut malesuada est nec fringilla accumsan. Donec tristique, enim nec egestas interdum, arcu lorem pulvinar lorem, gravida convallis urna velit in enim...
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